Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oh What Fun!!!

I loved all my presents that my family and friend brought me... but who can resist stickers! Ok, Ok, the chair Uncle Dwayne, Aunt Lana, and Cousin Bella got me is pretty cool too!

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

I had a penguin and snowflake party and my cream cheese cake was yummy! Mama cannot believe that I am already 2... she is such a sap!

Birthday on the Square!


Noelle refused to get within 10ft of Santa. She hung out on a wall and watched him for a while and even yelled for him across the room... but there will be no lap sitting and wish list sharing with the fat man this year!

Family Day at Music Class!!!

Today was family day at Kindermusik. Daddy came to play and sing with me. I really wonder if he came for the cookie exchange... ummmmm! We sang and danced... mostly I just acted silly!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Riding the Ponies!

While we were at the Fayetteville Square on Friday to see the lights, I rode a pony. I was scared at first but I got the hang of it!

Holiday at Fayetteville Square!

Papa, Mimi, Mama, and Dada took me to the Fayetteville Square on Friday night to see the pretty lights. We had so much fun!

Bella came to play!

On Thanksgiving night, Uncle Dwayne and Aunt Lana brought Bella over to play. I was a little taken back by her sudden interest in my toys but it was fun all the same!

Dinner Time!

I got to have dinner at the grown up table.... mostly because I threw a fit until I was taken serious as a big girl! We had so much fun... I laughed at PaPa and Aunt Da-Da and I looked at the christmas tree!

Happy Thanksgiving... when are we going to eat?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Choo! Choo!

We went on the Arkansas Missouri Train to Van Buren on Saturday. It was so relaxing that I just kicked back on Momma and rested. We did some window shopping and watched the beautiful scenery go by... the train toot-tooted all the way there! I kept saying beep beep, like a car, but toot toot is still hard for me to say.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's Halloween!

I was a lady bug this year!

Fall Festival

I went to the Fall Festival with Parents as Teachers on the Saturday before Halloween. I got all dressed up and played lots of fun games. I even ended up in the newspaper!

Pumpkin Pickin at the Patch'

Saturday at Barnes and Noble

Momma and I spent the afternoon at Barnes and Noble.... I played with Thomas the Train and Momma patiently watched!

Working on Developmental Milestones

While awaiting Momma's Ultrasound, I work with both MiMi and Grandma on their developmental milestones. They did really well for their age groups!

Playing Ball at Grandpa and Grandma's House

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You cannot hide!

Noelle cannot hide from mama. If Noelle is having a cute day, mama will chase her with the camera.

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's A Girl, I think?

Mama had her ultrasound on last week. Apparently, it was a very, very active baby. The technician thinks there were no "protruding" parts but never got a great look. We will confirm, if possible, at the next appointment.