Monday, April 24, 2006

Look Momma... I am eating with a spoon!

Noelle is eating with a spoon for the first time! Believe it or not, most of the food actually made her mouth. However, it was still a mess... but what a time we had with her!

Monday, April 17, 2006

The hunt is on!

Easter Egg Hunting

Grandma, I am busy concentrating right now!

Enough is Enough!

Are you about through, Momma? I would like to take these ridiculous things off!

Who is the real Easter Bunny?

Easter is Here!

We are waiting for our easter basket...Momma? DaDa?

My Family!

Could I be any happier?

They aren't perfect, even a little goofy, but they are all mine!


This little swing isn't so bad after all. I love it when Momma pushes me but stays close to me.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Divine Exhaustion!

Taking a swim break!

Momma and I are taking a break from swimming. Swim class is hard work!

Grab a Pole Daddy! We got ourselves a big fish!

Bounce me higher Grandpa!


Grandma, MeMa, Aunt Lana and Bella are so much fun! They came over to just see me... Ok, Ok, so Mom cooked dinner also... but I am sure they came over just to see me!!!

Bella and Me!

Umm... I think I can work with you. Just do your hands like this!

That is Ok... you have great potential!


Do it like me, Mommy!

Bang, Bang your dead... brush your teeth and go to bed!


Mommy tried to hide the food on the counter but I still found something to munch on... in a few months, I will be able to snatch it off the counter. What can I say... I am a growing girl!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Party at Chuck E Cheese!

I had some goooood chocolate cake at Cooper Dossett's 2nd Birthday party!!!!

That Chuck E Cheese is one scary rat!

Here is my friend Cooper! I had so much fun at his party. He really knows how to throw a bash!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easter Bunny Got Hungary!

Hunting for easter eggs is for the birds! I would rather sit down and eat the goodies inside my eggs!

Grandma Judy came to play with me!!!

Berkley needs his sleep too!

When Noelle takes a nap, Berkley will catch up on his shut eye too!

Playtime with Ella Bohannon

Here Ella, let me show you how this works!

Noelle's friend Ella came over a few weeks ago to play with all her toys. Ella is 6 months younger than Noelle. Noelle likes to play the mentor!