Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Temporary Hiatis

Baby Leah dropped our camera from the top of the balcony in our house... and it is finally kaput!    We will be buying a new one in the next couple of days and be back soon... so we are just on a short vacation from the website!  

Updates:  Baby Leah says everything we say... can say her colors (may not know all of them but sure can say them all).  She is in a language explosion!

Noelle - LOVES preschool and spanish class... good thing we started her this year.  She asks everyday is she can go to preschool... she is becoming such a big girl!

Noelle is still wanting to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween so that is what she will be... we have the outfit and mouse ears.  Leah will be Daisy Duck...  I just had to have them coordinate in some way!  

We are getting ready for Disney in two short months.  Noelle is so excited about it... and you know Leah, she just rolls with whatever!  I read an article about a mother commenting on how her daughter was all girl but not girly-girly.  She doesn't get into princesses but she was more Pippey Longstocking... in the fact, she is independent, wants to do what she wants to do, and does and likes whatever she wants... etc.. you know the story.  Well, all I kept thinking (without the image of the girl with the goofy Pippy Longstocking hair) is that is our Noelle!  We are having her birthday party (on her actual birthday) at lunch with the Princesses at Cinderella's castle.  Somehow, she will have fun but probably not care it is with the princesses... that is just Noelle.  She would probably rather have b-day lunch with Tow Mater!

Leah has been doing gymnastics and all she does is practice at home... always on her head or trying to hang from bars somewhere.  She runs all the time and looks like such a cute bobbing baby when she does.  She still says Daddy, Daddy, Daddy... and lights upwhen she sees him.  Though she comes and grabs my hand in her little hand all the time and tries to lead me wherever she wants to go.. and she will not take NO for an answer.

Our spunky gals... we just adore them!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Screaming Grandma

Ok... I had to post another pic of Grandma with Doug and Noelle. Sorry it is side ways... the pictures is not as important than the sound. If you listen, you will hear a loud scream all the way down the flume... that was Grandma. This was the second time, which Noelle had to beg her to ride both times... the first time her scream almost deafened all of SDC... I missed that because I was laughing so hard. As Grandma put it, "what you will do for ONLY your grandchildren"!

Whose that grandma on the baby ride?

Dixie Stampede

Well, Noelle got to visit Trouble and Beau (or Boat as she calls him)... this time Bella got to meet all of Noelle's horsey friends. I do not remember which one, but Bella found a favorite too! Leah... as usual, not interested! She just enjoyed getting out and making us all laugh!

Enjoying the Rides at Celebration City

All the girls, Noelle, Leah, and Cousin Bella, all enjoyed riding at Celebration City. Even Leah got in on the action and took care of her little sister. Granted, she put her hands and arms around her neck, and practically choked her, to help her... it was none the less sweet. Bella and Noelle had a good time as riding companions... it was tough to drag them away from the rides. Good thing Grandma bribed them with a sucker.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

1st Day of Preschool

Noelle is so excited about going to preschool. She has her little backpack and smile ready to go. She is washing her hands before she goes into the class... as the rules say for Ms. Misty's class. The first thing she did was run to the computer to play. She does not get to do it much at home and was excited to know there are no limits in her classroom on their computer!

Preschool Orientation

Noelle went last Thursday to her preschool orientation. Mama, Daddy, and Noelle (leah too) went to meet Ms. Misty, Noelle's teacher. We met all the other Mommy and Daddy's and Noelle's classmates. We got to play in her classroom... she was having a blast. I think this child is ready for school! However, I am not sure Mama is ready for her 1st baby to make this step... I am going to be a mess when she goes to Kindergarten!

Goooooooo Razorbacks!!!!!!!!

Noelle and Elizabeth are all ready to go call the hogs!