Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Leah Katherine Drummonds is Here!!!!

Leah Katherine Drummonds was born on Feb 15, 2007 at 10:47pm. She was 7lbs 7oz and 191/2 inches long. She was perfectly healthy and alert from the beginning. Mama is glad that labor and delivery went much quicker and easier (although no less painful) than before. Big Sister, Noelle, is still adjusting... to put it kindly. Pictures of the two will come soon... we have to get Noelle to acknowledge and get within 10 feet of her first!!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

MaMa's Poor Baby Girl!

Noelle broke her left clavicle (collar bone) on Jan 8th after leaving her first day of Mother's Day Out. She had to wear this brace... can you tell she HATED it!


Doug came to work today to find a suprise. His team decorated his desk to celebrate the occasion of the impending arrival of Baby Leah! He got so many cute baby gifts and a nice breakfast buffet.

First Day of School

I went to my first day of Mom's Day Out! I got my lunch box and now if I can get Dada and Mama to get their coats, I will be ready to go!!!!

So Urban!

How much cooler could I get? I love wearing glasses and baseball hats these days. I look as cool as Dada!

What about me?

Everyone is getting all these cool gifts... How about throwing a dog a bone? Uh???

Christmas is Finally Here!!!!

Where do I begin? Mickey Mouse Playhouse, a new dream kitchen, so much to open and so little time to play with them!!!!!

Christmas ornaments

Ohhhh... Look at the pretty christmas ornament from Grandma Judy's tree. I can just pick them all off right now.... let me know when she is not looking!!!!

More presents for ME!!!!!!

Even though it is not Christmas yet, when I went to Grandma and Grandpa Drummonds house, I got these way cool PJs and a rocking horse.

Christmas Family Picture

My family... I guess we all have to work with what we have been given!

Christmas with Papa and MiMi

I got a new grocery basket for Christmas... now I need to get some food! My pal Piglet will help me shop... just like I do with MaMa.

Christmas with Papa and MiMi

I can sucker this old man into anything.... If I say "sit" in the box, he will do it. Putty in my hands!