Ok... the fake Noelle smile and the "you can't make me smile if I don't want to" look from Leah. They told Santa everything they wanted and feel they are now ready for the big day!
We all had a wonderful time at our annual trip to the Lights of the Ozarks on the Fayetteville Town Square. The kids enjoyed the pony rides, a walk through the lights and wonderfully mild temperatures! After a trip for some Gusano's pizza, the kids were out like lights before we left Fayetteville. Now that is my kind of excitement!
The tree is trimmed (in a matter of speaking), the lights are hung, a few gifts are wrapped, everyone is in their Christams best.... I think Christmas is right around the corner!
Noelle's preshool had a Christmas Program for their families on Friday. They performed a play about the birth of Jesus and Noelle played the role of Mary. They sang lots of Christmas Carols (which Noelle sang so loud she drowned all the other kids out but she sang loud and proud). We all celebrated with a birthday cake for Jesus and had lots of wonderful gifts for the kids to open. Noelle, being the performer she is, had a great time and the party was a hit!
Our first baby turned 5 years old on December 12th. Thanks to our wonderful family and friends, she had a terrific birthday. She had a great Scooby Doo party at Borders with her friends and cousins. Then she spent a girls day out with Mimi, Elizabeth and Mommy getting a big girl haircut (at a haircut place, not mommy doing the cutting), pedicure and manicure, a movie and then finished it off by having a small party with family at her house. As you can see she upgraded and got a brand new big girl bike... she adjusted so quickly and is so proud of it. Maybe this summer, we can attempt no training wheels! We love you Noelle! Happy 5th Birthday!
Quick look... our darling babies sitting next to each other, getting along, no fighting, no stealing toys away from each other... just enjoying Rudolph on TV... rare moment, indeed.
We went to visit Mimi and Papa a few weeks ago and had so much fun! We went to a play at the Children's theatre in Little Rock called a Christmas Mouse (as you can see Noelle posing below in front of the posters). The kids loved it. We then headed over to the state capitol for the lights and lots of Christmas action (carolers, fireworks, and general chaos). We missed most of the action but did hear the choir and see the lights.