Friday, November 02, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Our Little Darlings just loved Halloween! This was the first year we let Noelle go trick or treating on our street and the neighbors' houses behind us. She loved it. Of course, she had Elizabeth, cat woman, to show her the ropes! Noelle kept saying "another house" when she was done. However, when we got back to our house, she had so much fun answering the door and giving candy to kids, she gave away her own candy because it was so much fun. She would sit on the front porch and ask "where da kids at, mama?". Leah loved the walk and looking at everyone dressed up... the minute we walked back to our house, she fell asleep... I think it was the cool night in her super soft chenille sheep suit being carried by mama and daddy that did it. I would say this Halloween was a smashing success!!!

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