We are so proud of Noelle! She did so good at her dance recital and gave it her best! She did 2 routines: tap and ballet... and she got to wear hot pink with foo foo feathers all over! Lots of Pink! Mimi and Papa, Uncle Steve, Aunt Keri, Elizabeth, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Darla, Uncle Dwayne, Aunt Lana and Bella all came to see her dance. She was so happy to see everyone! Noelle looked out at us in her play googles and waved at us every chance. Between all the dances, Leah was cat calling for Mickey Mouse. On the way home (see pic), Noelle was out cold when we got home... all that entertaining sure exhausted the little diva. But... almost everyone got to come over afterwards and grill some steaks that Papa got us and play on the trampoline and play equipment. It was so fun and we are so appreciative that our family came out to support Noelle... she loves you all so much!
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