Well, it has been a while my friends. We have had a long summer, with no posts. It is not because we have nothing to report... quite the opposite. We had an action packed summer. Our computer had a virus and it just took a while to find the time to sit and fix it (AT&T issues were part of the reason). We are finally back. I had enough time to load my pictures from one camera and will complete downloading pics from my other camera in the next night or two. We will have more to share including the first day of school for both Noelle and Leah. Until then, enjoy some of our summer pictures.
It started off with Noelle playing t-ball in the Rogers Baseball League. It is a boy's league but since they have nothing for girls at her age, they play in the boys league. Noelle LOVED it and cannot wait to play again next year. She was a great 1st base player and like the pitchers mound. She loved being whereever the most action was and where the ball would go to the most. She was great at catching and stopping the ball so she did very well at those positions.

Of course, she had to have pink and white baseball cleats, Hot pick ball bag, hot pink batting helmet, pink bat and pink gloves. You had no problem figuring out she was one of the "girls" playing in the league. I think there were only 7 in the league. She made her presence known!

Look at Noelle in action, way to go girl!

Noelle knocking the ball of the tee and running around the bases! Can't miss her... look for the hot pink hat!

Yea, she is just cool like that!
What was funny, when she played on the pitcher's mound, she kept kicking the dirt like she is getting into her stance... seriously, where did she learn to do that? Maybe watching baseball on TV with daddy too much?
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