Saturday, May 30, 2009

Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd.

We took Noelle and Leah to their first ballgame to see the NW Arkansas Naturals play last week. Of course, the highlight of the kid's time was eating all the ballpark junk food and playing in the kid's area. Noelle thinks baseball is neat and is already wanting to play Tball next spring. It is really amazing that Noelle actually shared her M&Ms with Leah. What is more amazing is Leah did not get sick from eating Cheetos, hot dogs, MMs, Popcorn and Orange Drink... she looked like she was going to blow for awhile but she held it in and was soon bouncing off the walls. The fireworks were a hit at first but after they got too loud, Leah buried her head into my chest and kept saying, "Mommy, turn on the lights peazzz".
Leah also enjoyed the music as she ate and danced between the seats.

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